When prospective employees are on a job hunt, they look at several factors that can influence their decision-making process.
Work incentives and perks attract employees. Salary affects a candidate’s choice when selecting an employer, and it also serves as a means to retain employees.
Here are the main criteria that job hunters search for when looking for work: salary, benefits package (paid sick leave, paid holidays, 401K, vacation, medical and dental insurance, etc.), upward mobility, paid training, work flexibility.
While some research suggests that money sometimes doesn’t make people perform better, some employees enthusiastically respond to a quarterly pay increase. Recently, there is an uptrend of using non-material (moral) incentives for motivation.
The place of corporate culture
The most critical element of non-material incentives is an organization’s corporate culture. This shapes how a company implements its values and culture. Traditionally, company culture is a clockwork of rules that staff members are either punished or rewarded for tasks they may or may not have completed. Employees don’t have a say in work dynamic in the office.
Leaders must understand that corporate culture is an essential tool for personnel management. They must learn how to form a corporate culture that motivates everyone. To begin, it must be understood that corporate culture is present in any organization, regardless you are aware of it or not. It may be a positive and empowering culture, or it may create unnecessary tension and negativity. Whatever the company culture may be, it exists whether it is written in stone or not.
Let’s say a company has extended staff meetings once a week before they close for the weekend. Rather than making it a long and tedious discussion about work, try to incorporate light, fun activities that promote positivity in the workplace.
It can be a time to ask employees how the company can better provide for them. Don’t just talk about how they can improve, show your staff that leaders can also improve the way they lead.
Another way to boost company morale is to celebrate employee birthdays. It’s a simple gesture of showing them that they are more than just an employee.
Suffice to say, many companies are veering away from a top-down corporate culture. But change doesn’t happen overnight.
Corporate culture gradually forms and adapts to the times and organization’s needs. It does not fall from the sky or ordered by an individual.
A critical role in developing the organization’s corporate culture is played by managers who directly line with company leaders and employees. Managers should be communicating their corporate culture and values to everyone in the office. They are the leaders, and their actions, attitude, and work style become standards for company behavior.
It all starts with...
Creating a corporate culture in an organization should start not with the formation of new principles and values but with studying existing ones. The company’s management needs a written record of what is perceived as the corporate culture and determine which elements are appropriate and relevant to current culture and value.
The main aspects to look into is the company’s philosophy, values, and people who make up the company. Understanding where your company currently stands in terms of demographics, image, and traditions will propel your corporate culture.
Final thoughts
Suppose you want to inspire employees with the corporate spirit to make sure they are motivated to perform at a high level. You need to make them feel invested in the company and not just take orders from the management or corporate leaders.