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Marketing Personalization: 5 Ways To Boost Your Sales Conversion Rate

It’s a fact that personalization helps with driving conversions. Don’t believe us? Check out the numbers:

• Econsultancy found that 93% of companies saw an increase in conversions after personalizing their search marketing. The same was true for 94% of companies that personalized their site.

• 92% of businesses that personalized their customer emails saw an increase in conversions.

• 54% of businesses reported a modest increase in conversions after personalizing their search engine marketing efforts. For website and email personalization, the numbers were 61% and 65% respectively.

Why does personalization matter?

It’s evident that personalization affects conversions. But for each brand, the effectiveness differs. Marketers and companies that make detrimental mistakes within their conversion strategy will fail to reap its full benefits. If businesses want to be successful in managing conversions through personalization, it’s curial to focus on the customer.

It’s also important to view personalization not just as another way to boost revenue, but instead as a method of delivering a relevant experience to your consumers. This means you must focus on the smallest of details surrounding the customer experience that influence their purchasing decisions.

Here are some of the most effective personalization techniques to help your brand reach its goal:

1. Create a personalized copy for referral sources

Image this scenario:

You see a brand mentioned on the social network of an influencer. He has included a link to the brand’s website, so you decide to see what the company is and what it offers. You are then redirected to a general homepage that no longer mentions the influencer and the products they discussed. You’re now stuck with no idea on where to go next.

This is an example of a negative user experience that could potentially lead to a heavy number of bounces.

Now in this scenario, let’s say you are immediately taken to a page that is clearly intended for an influencer audience. It may even show the influencer’s testimonials about the brand. This creates a much better chance of converting a customer.

This is why creating dynamic, personalized copy to go along with visitor’s referral source is so important — whether that be from social media, ads, emails or other websites.

Here are just a few ideas for personalized elements you can add. Choose the option that works best for your campaign:

• Popup windows
• Banners
• Headings
• Unique landing pages

2. Displaying dynamic content depending on the time of visit

Another effective personalization method includes displaying dynamic content based on visit time. That being said, personalization should go further than just changing the background of your business’s home page every night. Small things like this will not help convert visitors into customers.

Your brand’s personalization should be more relevant and actionable. Ideally, you want to display compelling suggestions when users visit your page during a specific event or holiday. Let’s say that a user visits your website around the time you are hosting a paid webinar. One option is to promote the webinar and attract the user with a discount.

Or, for example, say you own a restaurant and want to begin using effective personalization. It’s a good idea to highlight the lunch menu on your website when users visit your site between 11:30 am and 2:30 pm.

There are a ton of different ideas to add personalization other than just by time of day. These additions will allow you to efficiently deliver powerful personalized content based on device type, referral source, location, number of visits and much more.

3. Personalization depending on the type of device

While this may seem like a simple technique that everyone is already using, device-specific personalization is more than just developing a website tailored for mobile experiences. Mobile onboarding can help improve site navigation but doesn’t necessarily increase conversion rates. There are many more ways to personalize your business’s phone and tablet experiences so visitors are more likely to convert.

One example is to make it easier for first-time shoppers to purchase products by offering social media login options, which there are many website plugins for. Another option is to also add a call button on your contact, social media and landing page to increase your number of leads. According to 61% of mobile search users, Click-to-Call is the most valuable feature during the purchasing phase.

Here are some tips for maximizing this opportunity:

• Design your Call-to-Click button so that it appears only to mobile visitors and/or a small number of desktop visitors.
• Make sure the button is dynamic so that visitors from different places on the site can get to it quickly and easily.
• Guarantee the button is only visible during business hours. This will ensure that whoever wants to call you gets an answer promptly.

4. Personalization based on the number of visits

It’s possible to display offers that will appeal to first-time visitors or attract returning ones with recommendations based on their previous browsing history.

One idea for displaying dynamic content is to notify visitors of any price changes or new deals that match their purchase history. As for new visitors, another great personalization technique is to display a video or welcome message that introduces them to your brand and website. To sweeten the deal and encourage conversions, you could even enable a first purchase offer.

If offering a discount is not an option for your business, you can invite new visitors to check out helpful resources on your site. This could be anything from a personalized buying guide to a size chart worksheet. Details like this will help strengthen the relationship between you and your consumers and ultimately lead to more conversions.

5. Personalization based on location for better experience


Many inconveniences can arise from not meeting the needs of customers based in different locations. It’s important to remember that product recommendations, pricing, promotions, content and events may not correlate with customers in all geographic regions. This is why geo-location-based personalization can be a great solution to boost conversions.

This involves displaying content and promotional materials that are relevant to the location of each visitor — and improves the quality of customer service, leading to a higher likelihood of increased conversions.

As a conclusion

We’ve outlined a few of the most effective methods you can use to boost your conversions. It’s evident that putting focus on dynamic personalization to deliver a relevant, real-time experience to every customer is important. The more targeted your message is, the more likely people will reach out to you.