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What are Agile Benefits. Let's Take a Closer Look at This Methodology in Software Development.

The agile model turned out to be quite universal and applicable to work processes in areas that are not related to the production of an IT product.

What is Agile - basic ideas

Agile is both a methodology, and a set of practices, and a set of rules. Each of these descriptions will be true. But at a higher abstract level, Agile is a philosophy or approach that aims to improve the efficiency of certain work processes.

Translated from English, “agile” means flexible. Plunging into the principles of this methodology, it becomes obvious that it is difficult to find a more appropriate name for it.

Agile development methodology is based on 4 main priorities:

  • People and their communication;
  • Working product;
  • Constant interaction with the customer;
  • Readiness for change.

These four ideas are considered more important than tools, writing detailed documentation, agreeing on contract terms, and sticking to a plan. Naturally, all these moments also have the right to exist. It's about prioritization.


What is the essence of the approach

Agile methodology, in addition to key ideas, is also based on 12 principles. They, like the four main values, are described in a special document - the Agile Manifesto.

What are the main thoughts embedded in the Agile principles:

  • The working state of the product must be ensured from the early stages;
  • Requirements can actively change at any stage;
  • The project should be built around interested people;
  • The product should be as relevant as possible and effectively solve the tasks;
  • A balance must be struck between simple solutions and technical excellence;
  • Interaction with the customer or his representative should occur on a regular basis.

Reasons for the emergence of the Agile methodology

An agile approach to development has become a logical response to the transformation of the IT market. High competition and the need to quickly issue a working product have called into question the foundations that have been relevant for many years. At its core, the Agile approach is the opposite of the Waterfall model, which is based on the following principles:

  • availability of clear and detailed documentation;
  • unquestioning adherence to the work plan;
  • the impossibility of returning to previous stages in order to change;
  • detection and correction of errors only at the testing stage.

Pros and cons of being flexible

When using Agile, there is already a working product at the initial stages. This provides the following benefits:

  • early testing;
  • the ability to evaluate the added functionality “in action”;
  • user experience research at all stages;
  • the possibility of a quick presentation on the market of a “raw”, but working version.

Understanding the agile product development methodology is a good tool for effective work in the IT field and related industries. There are a large number of books on Agile, a variety of videos and courses that will help you master this approach. Skilled agile professionals (such as Scrum Masters) play an important role in product creation and are desirable employees in IT companies.